totallysales™ Sales Challenge Quiz is designed to root out whether the participant truly understands sales techniques and processes. This can be for self-evaluation or used as a pre-interview screening tool. The questions can be subjective rooting out sales philosophies. It only takes a couple of minutes and at the very least it can be informative and fun. See how you measure up. Take the challenge!
NEW! Certificate given to prove your expertise!
[mlw_qmn_single_graph mlw_quiz=1 ranks=all name=”]
Quiz Score Card
50 correct answers:
Sales professional extraordinaire! Very few, and I mean very few, people score 100%. Congratulations! You’re the best of the best!
43-49 correct answers:
This person is the real deal. They were taught correct sales processes and understand winning sales techniques. They are most likely always in the top 10%.
33-42 correct answers:
This person has potential. They get the overall picture and with some focused coaching most likely could become a sales leader.
23-32 correct answers:
Most will score in this range if they have had any sales experience before. Typically middle of the pack performance. Sales coaching is necessary.
18-22 correct answers:
This person probably has developed some bad habits along the way. If teachable… they could be a diamond in the rough and with correct sales coaching could turn things around.
17 or less correct answers:
This person is either brand spanking new to sales or should reconsider their career choice.
Let’s Get Started!
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